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Why Humidity Issues Occur During Preservation and Storage

Why Do Humidity Issues Occur?

There is a direct correlation between high relative humidity (RH) and moisture damage to stored products. Relative humidity is the percentage of water that air holds at a certain temperature. Absolute humidity is the quantity of water vapor in a sample of air. As the temperature in the air increases, so does its ability to retain moisture. 

Humidity plays havoc with paper storage

Excess moisture in the air tends to 

degrade paper, cardboard, and books. Likewise, excess water vapour in the air is a real threat to the preservation of documents, artefacts, and relics. 

RH of over 70% provides the ideal conditions for mould to grow. If you are storing products likes seeds or clothing, mould essentially leaves them unusable.

To put this into perspective, the outdoor climate in Queensland is above 60% RH all year around and reaches 70% RH and above for six months of the year. And in most cases humidity is higher inside than outside.

Moisture and humidity cause corrosion and rust

On ferrous metals, a 60% RH and over

will see corrosion and rust occur. This can escalate quickly damaging the product substantially. Depending on the extent of the damage, the cost to fix it could be exorbitant.

Heating Applications for Preservation and Storage

Heating to keep storage areas dry is a frequently used application but it is costly and increases energy consumption. The air has to be heated more than the ambient air temperature which means that the heating device will have to run at different temperatures during different seasons.

How to Fix Your Indoor Humidity Issues

Read our full article showing the measures you can out in place now to help reduce any issues you have with controlling your indoor environment. “Archive and Paper Document Storage Ideas”

However the best solution is:

A Humidity Controlled Storage DEHUMIDIFIER

Depending on your specific needs a Refrigerant or Desiccant Dehumidifier is the most cost effective, energy efficient and stress-free solution.  Both remove moisture from the air. Read our blog outlining the differences between the two main dehumidifier options and comparing their performance.