Ultra Low Humidity, Low Dew Point, Ultra Dry Rooms

Lithium Battery Manufacture

Lithium-ion, lithium iron phosphate, graphene and solid state are very sensitive to moisture with production spaces requiring an ultra-dry, stable environment with less than one percent humidity.

On top of the safety concerns, ultra-low dew point air supply is necessary to maximise product yield, product quality, energy efficiency, product life and storage capacity. 

It is a technically complex process.   For example, processing the lithium electrodes requires very low humidity levels – typically below 1% relative humidity (RH) and -35 or -55 dew point along with needing to be a low particulate environment.

Due to the chemical sensitivity to moisture of high energy batteries, specially designed ultra-low humidity, ultra-dry rooms are required to both test and manufacture lithium batteries.

When lithium metal and water mix, the reaction is exothermic (generates heat) and transforms into hydroxide and hydrogen which can lead to burning or even explosion.

Lithium battery manufacturing ultra-dry room with dehumidifier

3d render by Humiscope engineers for a Lithium Battery manufacturing and research facility.

Humiscope low dew point room moisture load design
Humiscope 3D designed Low Dew Point Lithium Battery Room

ultra Low humidity and ultra low dew point dry rooms

In order to control humidity in lithium battery processing, hermetically sealed dry rooms were developed that allowed manufacturing to take place in extreme dryness, with very low humidity and provided particle filtration for cleanliness.

To avoid humidity and moisture issues, ultra-dry rooms using dehumidification technology is the ideal solution.  It is in fact an essential part of the manufacturing process.  It means turning your production room into an ultra-low dew point, ultra low humidity dry room where the ventilation is being mixed with return air and treated by the dehumidifier so that both temperature and humidity is controlled by the same unit.

Please visit our ‘Dry Room for Lithium Batteries’ page for detailed information on how we design, build and install ultra dry rooms specifically for lithium battery manufacture and testing.