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Benefits of Light Progress UV-C Lights


ultraviolet Light DESTROYS surface and airborne bacteria and viruses

Light Progress has been in operation for over 35 years. Based in Italy, their work is of the highest standard. This UVC light technology offers a host of benefits for utilisation in HVAC and industrial food applications.

UVC for food processing and meat drying and ageing

Eliminate Disease

Bacteria, Viruses, Spores, Fungi, Mould, and Mites are all sensitive to UV-C light and can therefore be eliminated by UV-C. Microbes cannot acquire resistance to UV-C light, unlike that which occurs using chemical disinfectants and antibiotics.

UV rays are ecological unlike normal disinfectants that inevitably pollute the environment. Directly inhaling the vapours, or swallowing food products contaminated by any contact with chemical disinfectants, can also give rise to a number of serious risks.

Light Progress UV-C in a commercial cold rooms age drying salami and meat

Light Progress UV-C is being used globally in industrial food applications such as commercial cold rooms.

In cases where chemical disinfectants cannot be eliminated (food, pharmaceutical, healthcare industries, etc.), using ultraviolet rays for disinfection allows a reduction in the use of chemicals, with considerable economic savings and greater care for the environment, while maintaining and almost always improving the level of disinfection.

UV-C light devices can be installed in environments and on machinery and be programmed to maintain the same level of disinfection day and night, guaranteeing ideal hygiene conditions, without highs and lows.

On the contrary, chemical disinfectants are effective only during their actual use. Using Light Progress equipped luminaires, operating costs are negligible; it could be said that Light Progress UV-C systems do not require maintenance except for the normal replacement of the lamps. The cost/benefit ratio is considered excellent; the devices are both powerful and long-lasting. Hence the elimination of germs using UV-C technology is low-cost and highly effective compared to (or in combination with) other systems.

Light Progress UV-C Product